
RoboKiller Launches Free TextKiller App… for a Limited Time

Annoyed By those Corona Virus related Spam text messages? RoboKiller has launched a new iPhone app which will eliminate the spam. The app offers a powerful text filtering system which will block annoying and malicious text messages from unknown phone numbers and even offers the ability to filter unwanted messages by keyword.

There has been a recent influx in spam text messages related to COVID-19, offering promotions for masks, testing and such. As a matter of fact, according to the FTC, nearly 54,000 American filed complaints with the Federal Trade Commission over fraud related to COVID-19, with reported losses totalling over $38.6 million.

This limited Free launch of RoboKiller’s TextKiller app gives consumers free access top premium scam text protection in attempts to reduce and prevent further financial losses to COVID-19 fraud.

How does TextKiller Work?

It provides this powerful blocking feature via the use of machine learning algorithms powered by RoboKillers vast collection of SPAM text messages in its Database. It uses the text messages anonymous metadata in order to filter the message, this allows its to respect the users privacy.

You can add a filter for either a specific phone number or keyword such as “Buy Now” or “Masks” to s blacklist.

Worried about Sensitive relevant info ending up getting blocked? Simply whitelist other keywords, like “Emergency,” which means the message you deem valuable/wanted get pushed through, and others get stored in a separate Junk SMS tab.

“We are so excited to launch TextKiller, After seeing such a threat to Americans from spam text messages, with minimal available protection, we created the solution. We build products like TextKiller to protect our customers from dangerous scams and provide them with end-to-end solutions to a growing problem.”

said Patrick Falzon, General Manager at TelTech Systems (ROBOKILLER CREATORS)

So in a nutshell, The app protects its users from annoying, unwanted and spammy text messages and is now free on the App Store for a limited time.

Limited Time? I couldn’t personally find when this limited free offer will expire anywhere.

Availability? whether there will be an Android version of this app given there is a RoboKiller app listed on the Android Store which pretty much does the same sort of blocking for phone calls but not text messages.

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Lance Cameron
Lance Cameron
Lance is the Publisher and Chief Editor at BITVoxy. He writes about business, digital culture, crypto, gaming, tech, entertainment, and more. He considers himself a Digital Explorer and News Junkie.

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