
Google 1+ is Launched

Google Logo officially released on May 2010Image via Wikipedia
Google has launched Google +1.
Lets answer the questions you all must be asking now.
  • What is Google +1?
The +1 button is shorthand for “this is pretty cool” or “you should check this out.”
Click +1 to publicly give something your stamp of approval. Your +1’s can help friends, contacts, and others on the web find the best stuff when they search.
  • How will this benefit anyone?

basically what this button does is to make recommendations for people when they are in desire for it. hence a blogger might see traffic if most have  his readers are making recommendations to thier friends and family.

It is quite clear that thus was well thought out to make a more social featuring to thier search engine and over time we will see if it will work that way.

  • How can i get this on my website?
It is really easy and simple. if you are on blogger it is already a feature accross the plateform but if you need to insert it into your wordpress blog or any other platform then you should head over here 
Click here

YJ!blog also did a search for a WordPress plugin… and we found the one below but it is best to keep in close contact with our blog for a proper plugin.
Google +1 WordPress Plugin

Writers Notes
Personally this looks to be a great idea yet but it only looks for time to tell if it will get the right support or traction it should. we will keep a close track on this story.

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Lance Cameron
Lance Cameron
Lance is the Publisher and Chief Editor at BITVoxy. He writes about business, digital culture, crypto, gaming, tech, entertainment, and more. He considers himself a Digital Explorer and News Junkie.

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